Experts On Global Conspiracies ,ufo's, 9-11, The Antichrist

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ape like creatures

BIGFOOT: Does a large ape-like creature roam the woods of Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia? The Center for Unexplained Events investigates reports of these creatures to determine their authenticity. We are a no-kill research group whose goal is to find evidence through non-invasive means such as photography and gathering physical evidence.

The following reports have been researched by CUE members or received by other research groups. Reports not investigated by CUE members are duly noted.

An eyewitness and her friend were waiting out a storm in Brady’s Run Park under a picnic shelter. After the storm has subsided they proceeded on a trail into the woods on their horses. Halfway up the trail the 2nd rider noticed a large ape-like creature about 15-20 feet from her horse. The eyewitness said that the creature was growling and had both arms raised in a threatening motion, as if it was trying to scare the witness from the area. The witness claimed the creature was very muscular and had brown hair covering its body. The witness’ friend was so frightened that when they reached their house she would never speak of the incident again, even to this day. CUE members continue to monitor this area.


(Report received from Dan Hageman of BORU – Butler Organization for Research of the Unexplained)

A witness heard pounding on his trailer at 10:35pm. The witness called his neighbor who lived next door. When he arrived all the lights were off with his back door open and a loaded gun ready to shoot at whatever was pounding on the trailer. Both witnesses were looking out the back door of the trailer when they heard something cry out in the forest. The witness states that the scream made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. The witnesses could hear something moving away from their location but could not see anything. The next morning they searched the area but found nothing. They also talked to the owner of the property and told him what had happened the night before. The owner stated “You boys just let it alone, you don’t bother it. It won’t bother you, it’s just curious that’s all.”


Three witnesses were spotting deer when they spotted a large silvery ape-like creature staring at them. The eyewitness stated that the creature had large black circles for eyes, the size of a half-dollar. The body of the creature was totally covered by hair. The arms of the creature appeared longer than humans. The eyewitness stated that the creature never moved. After several minutes the frightened driver drove away. Years later the witness claimed to have heard strange screams coming from the same general area.

JULY 1990-1996 (exact time unknown) BIG BEAVER, BEAVER CO. PA

A witness and his wife were hiking along an ATV trail down by an old quarry. The witness stated he found a large human-like 4-toed print that seemed to be missing a small toe. He stated the track was very wide and approx. 15 inches long. The second encounter happened around 1998 in the same area. The witness and his wife were hiking when they heard a loud whistle coming from close proximity to them. The whistle sounded birdlike/humanlike “somewhere in the middle”. The witness claimed the hair stood up on the back of his neck. The woods grew strangely still and quiet. The witness’ wife was very nervous and they left the area. CUE members investigated the area on 8/27/06. The sighting location is remote and was about 1 mile back on a steep trail on a mountain that overlooked a large valley. The sighting location was close to the other sightings in the Lawrence Co. area. No evidence was found during the hike.

JULY 10, 2000 NEW CASTLE, LAWRENCE CO. PA (Report investigated through PBS by Brian & Terrie Seech)

A witness was fishing in the stream that flows through Cascade Park when suddenly he felt like he was being watched. He stared across the stream and he saw a 5 ft tall white ape-like creature staring at him. The witness claimed the creature’s head was pointed at the top and had yellow eyes and a slit for a mouth. The creature’s head sat on its shoulders. The creature watched the witness for approx. 5 min. before he decided to leave. We received the report and investigated the area on 4/1/06. We found the witness to be extremely sincere and the area in question has had a history of sightings in the past.

MAY 16, 2003 NEW CASTLE, LAWRENCE CO. PA (Report received from the PBS)

Witness was driving on Route 60 about 10 miles north of New Castle when he observed a strange creature crossing Route 60. The eyewitness stated it was all black or very dark brown. The estimated size was 8 ft. The witness observed the creature coming from the medial strip. The witness estimated the total sighting duration at about 5 seconds including when it crossed into the woods and down a short grassy hill.


A witness had let her dog out when she heard heavy footsteps approaching. The dog sniffed the air then went about his business. The witness from the light of her dusk-to-dawn light observed a creature wuth red eyes. She claimed that the creature’s face looked like a perinese (sic) dog. The creature was covered in white fur. The creature observed the witness for several minutes and slipped silently into the forest. After receiving the report my wife and I investigated the area on 10/9/2004. We measured the limb where the witness stated the creature was standing. At eye level it was 6’10”. We also investigated the surrounding area but found no physical evidence.


A witness was out in his yard when he heard a large animal running through the woods breaking branches. The witness then observed a large creature standing in the wood line in a large group of pine trees. CUE members investigated the area and where the creature was standing was approx. 6 ft 3 in. Upon investigating the area there were numerous broken branches where apparently something large came through. We did not find any tracks since there were pine needles strewn about. The witness claimed the creature was huge, about 6 ft. ape-like looking and covered in white fur.

MARCH 2005 ALLEGHENY CO. PA (Report received and investigated through PBS)

A witness and his friend were spot lighting deer when the spotlight beam caught 2 huge silver reflecting eyes peering at them. The creature squatted down. They caught the shape of a huge cone-shaped head. The witness fled the area – down the access road. The witness claimed he heard the animal crashing through the woods breaking limbs in its path. After 3 days the witness went back t the area and saw a pathway that something huge had crashed through the area. There were old limbs, branches and old fallen trees crushed under its weight as well as fresh broken limbs and trees knocked down and over. Several weeks later the witness was again spot lighting in the same general area and again he saw a large creature up on the hill. The second creature was smaller and a different color. The first creature was 8 ft tall dome head, big silver dollar size eyes. The hair color was black. The second creature was reddish-brown, 6 ½- 7 ½ ft tall, big arms and hands and red eyes like the devil. We investigated the site on several occasions. The first occasion when we were with the witness, he claimed he saw a dark shape in the woods when we were coming down the hill. I searched the area but found nothing. When we stopped at the bottom of the hill it was getting dark. The witness was getting nervous and he stated “It’s getting dark, I don’t want to be here when its dark.” There was a lot of genuine fear in his eyes. CUE continues to monitor the area.


A witness was feeding his dog when he turned around and saw a large white ape-like creature staring at him about 50 yards away. The witness stated that the creature hopped 3 times and stared at him from behind a tree. The witness ran into the house to get his mother. When they returned the creature was about 75 yards away and staring at them. The witness’ mother claimed she got a ‘chill’ and got very scared and they ran into the house. We received the report and investigated the area on Jan. 20th. We also set up a game-cam on the property for 1 week but no pictures were taken. The witness stated that the creature was white, about 6 ft tall with very broad shoulders. In the weeks that followed the witnesses’ father’s dog ran away and was never found. (He lives next door.) Several cats went missing from a neighbors’ property. We returned and investigated the surrounding area but found no evidence.


A witness was driving down Route 60 South when he observed a creature walking down the side of the road. The creature was described as about 7-8 ft tall and dark brown. It walked upright, with a slight limp-like gate in its walk. Its legs were too long to be that of a bear.

AUGUST 2, 2007 HERFORD MANOR LAKE, BEAVER CO. PA (Report received and investigated through the PBS)

A witness was fishing in the lower lake late in the evening when he heard some noises like brush crackling so he shined his headlamp on the hillside and saw a set of reddish-green eyes about 7 ft off the ground. When the light hit its eyes it crouched and shuffled to the side, the witness thought it was a ‘coon in the tree so he continued to fish. The witness then heard brush crackling and smelled a musty smell close to him. The witness then threw a rock at the sound to scare it away. The witness heard a loud crack and a log came flying off the hillside into the water in front of him. The witness heard a groaning noise and started to run into his vehicle and drove away. We investigated the area on 8/6/07 on a rainy day but found no tracks or signs of the creature.

OCTOBER 1, 2007 ALLEGHENY CO. PA (Report received through BORU)

Eyewitness heard a loud commotion at the end of his property. He heard wild ducks screaming as if being torn apart. The eyewitness shined his flashlight into the creek but couldn’t see anything. He then fired four shots with his handgun into the creek. He heard something on two legs walking quickly through the creek. The next morning he found the ducks ripped apart. One duck had its head and bill ripped off and duck feathers were found 8-10 ft off the ground. No footprints were found. After talking with witness on the phone on 10/7/2007 the witness stated that he had other experiences from Oct 1971 forward to 2007. The witness also claimed that through the years he has lost 20 dogs, which were never found. Further attempts to contact the witness and examine the property were unsuccessful.


This was a second hand report that was sent to another research group. The original report stated that a park ranger was talking to a photographer. The ranger told the photographer that a hiker came out of the woods and told the ranger that he had seen a guy in an ape suit down by the creek. It was kneeling and looking into the dirt across from an island in the creek. On 2/16/08 and 2/17/08 CUE members investigated several areas of the creek that had numerous sightings in the past. No evidence was found.


An eyewitness was driving by the entrance to the park when he glanced to this fight and saw a large dark figure standing by a sign in the park. We checked the area on 5/21/09. The sign where the creature was standing was 6 ft high. The creature was estimated to be 7 ft tall. We investigated the area and found a print by the creek across the road. The print was indefinable and there were no toes. It could have been an older boot print but there were no treads in the print. This area did have another sighting in the past.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


From: Phantomsandmonsters.com

I received the following narrative in response to David Weatherly's scheduled appearance on 'Beyond The Edge Radio' on Sunday Nov. 18th at 8:00 PM ET:

Hello Lon,

Your recent posting about black eyed children was new information to me. I read lot of UFO material and watch a zillion TV shows on the paranormal, but this was the first time I had heard about possible alien/human hybrid children now living among us. (Guess I should come out from under my rock more often.)

The "black eye" part of the story really gave me a shock. We live in a neighborhood of small family houses in Arlington, Texas. Every year we have from 40 to 60 trick-or-treaters at our door on Halloween night. They usually consist of small children accompanied by adults, older children in groups, and teenagers who can't seem to give up their childhood fun. Sometimes the teens don't even bother to wear costumes.

Halloween night of 2011 was a busy one on our street. At one point I answered the doorbell to a large group of kids of various ages. Two of the tallest ones were dressed in rather flashy costumes. I remember nylon net, glitter, sequins, and garish makeup. I don't remember if they were both girls or if one was a boy. I always pay attention and compliment the kids on their costumes. When I looked at the eyes of the teenagers, I was really taken aback. The entire visible eyeballs were a shiny coal black! I told them they had great costumes and I think I asked if "those things" hurt their eyes. I naturally assumed they were wearing contact lenses covering their entire eye surface. I got no answer to my question. They just sort of smiled. Maybe they just didn't want to converse with an elderly grandmother type. I don't even know if I got a thank-you for the candy from them or not.

I closed the door before the mass of kids left the porch, so I don't know if the two teens went off by themselves or were with some of the younger kids. I remember mentioning to my husband that some teens were wearing what looked like painful contact lenses and then didn't think about the incident until you told me about "black-eyed-children." Wow. or not a Wow. Were they hybrids or just ultra cool teens? I tend to believe the latter, and that they were trying to shock people. In any case, they succeeded with me. I know I would not have let them in my house, whatever they were!

Thanks for all your work. Grandlady


The following anecdote was previously posted in September 2009:

They Are Among Us

A few days ago, a Memphis, TN woman called into TN MUFON to report that she was sure she had just had an encounter with an alien/human hybrid baby at Cosco's in Cordova, Tennessee. She and her granddaughter had gone there to pick-up a birthday cake. As soon as they walked through the entrance, a tall Asian-looking man, who was apparently in a big hurry, walked directly across their path almost running into them. He was dressed casually in all black clothing and had a Caucasian-looking infant in a carrier basket strapped in front of him. He seemed to take no notice whatsoever of her and her granddaughter as he marched on past them without one word of apology for his near collision with them. My correspondent, who has asked to remain anonymous, told me that seeing a man of Asian descent who was over six feet tall was in itself unusual, but she had to confess that the racial contradiction between himself and his infant companion startled her more than anything else.

She didn't get a good look at the baby at that time. If she had, she might have stopped in her tracks right then and there and asked her granddaughter, "did you see that?" But neither she or her granddaughter commented at that moment about this sudden "close encounter." They just proceeded on back to the bakery as if nothing had happened. After they purchased the cake, they started heading towards the entrance to leave. As they did so, the lady told me she spotted this Asian fellow moving rapidly down some aisles and taking a quick, sharp right-angle turn to cross over to another aisle. He didn't have a shopping cart and hadn't picked up one item from the shelves. Maybe he was just anxiously looking for one thing for some emergency need, possibly to do with the baby.

Just as the lady and her granddaughter were approaching the front of the store to leave, the second "close encounter" occurred. The Asian man suddenly appeared again and walked by them. My witness then got a good look at the baby. This woman swears to me that this infant had intensely bright blue eyes with no white area surrounding them! I talked to other researchers like Linda Howe about this report and was assured that these all blue-eyed people are being seen all over now in different parts of the country, adults as well as children. The Native American Medicine woman Three-Spirit Wolf who spoke in Memphis last June told us after hearing this recent story from Memphis that she had met some of the hybrids out in New Mexico last year. They were wearing dark sunglasses. One of them removed his glasses to reveal his utterly eerie-looking all-blue eyes without the white. He asked her if people had commented to her about seeing him or some of his other hybrid companions. Apparently they are trying to be as inconspicuous as possible in public.

Top alien abduction researcher Dr. David Jacobs of Temple University is convinced that the alien hybridization program is alarmingly evident in our society now. I know this lady who reported seeing the all blue-eyed baby in Memphis just the other day. I can vouch for her credibility. She saw what she saw. Maybe this can be explained as some weird new mutation showing up in the human eye at this time...or maybe it is true that "they" now walk among us.

(Postscript: the lady told me that when they got back home, she asked her granddaughter what she thought about seeing the strange Asian man and his all blue-eyed baby in the carrier. The lady had thought it a little curious in fact that her granddaugher who usually comments on seeing cute babies in public had not said one word about this. The granddaughter said she hadn't noticed this man or the baby!)

NOTE: I will acknowledge that this email was forwarded by a MUFON investigator...Lon


I received the following anecdote from a young woman in May 2012:

The Kansas Babies

Hello - something happened last summer that has left me with many questions and few answers. I was employed at an appliance and furniture rental & sales business in Great Bend, Kansas. One morning a co-worker and I opened the store. When we arrived we noticed that the backdoor was open and when we entered the backroom all the lights in the store had been turned on. I didn't look like a break-in because the security latch was intact. The security system had been disabled - there was no power indicator on the code box. We immediately called the police and the store manager to report the situation. We were told not to open the store and to remain in the back office until someone arrived.

A few minutes later, after hanging up the phone with the store manager, a police officer was knocking on the back door. I left him in and told him what we had found when we arrived. The officer started to walk through the back room and into the showroom when we started to hear a baby cry. I thought that a customer may have somehow entered the store and that they had a baby with them. My co-worker and I followed the officer in the direction of the crying - well, I didn't believe what I saw. There were 2 babies lying on a twin size bed display. The officer told us to stay there while he checked the rest of the store. He had also radioed for another police officer to come to the location.

I looked down at the babies who were both tightly wrapped in dark green cloth. Both babies were quiet, very still and looking at me and my co-worker. I was taken aback by their odd eyes - both babies had large pupils that were black. There were no irises and neither of the babies blinked. The police officer was soon back with us - he commented on the babies' eyes as well. In fact, he was totally freaked out - so much so that he looked scared.

The store manager soon arrived as well as a senior police officer. We all stood around the bed looking at these strange babies who laid there quietly watching us. The store manager pulled my co-worker and I to the side and told us to go ahead and leave. He was not opening the store until he found out what was going on. We quickly headed toward the back door and left.

I wasn't scheduled to work until a couple days later but I had talked to a few co-workers who said that the atmosphere in the store was very strange. They had been receiving weird telephone calls and that the security system alarm would trip on several times during the day.

I got to work a little early for my next scheduled shift. When I arrived the store manager was sitting in the office so I asked him what had happened after we had left. He said that 2 young women, who said they were from the municipal court, eventually showed up and took the babies. The senior police officer told him later that he had no idea who the women were but that he was told by his superior not to impede. He thought they were probably from McConnell AFB in Wichita. He also said that the babies were very quiet and seemed relaxed the entire period that they were there.

I stopped working there not long after. Things were just never the same and it got tougher each day - especially when odd-looking people would come into the store and just walk around. I didn't feel comfortable being there.

I read an article not long ago about black-eyed kids and the theories on their existence. Have you heard of similar incidents? I'd appreciate your feedback. SH

Friday, November 16, 2012

Have They Found Jimmy Hoffa's Body...Again?


The following articles, including the most recent speculation, are a look back at the bizarre and futile search for Jimmy Hoffa's 'supposed dead' body...Lon

Have They Found Jimmy Hoffa's Body...Again?

Police were standing watch over a suburban Detroit driveway on Thursday where authorities have been told the body of former missing Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa may have been buried.

The curious were walking or driving by the Roseville home where state officials planned to take soil samples Friday in the search for human decomposition.

Roseville Police Chief James Berlin previously said officials were "not claiming it's Jimmy Hoffa, the timeline doesn't add up. We're investigating a body that may be at the location."

Hoffa was last seen on July 30, 1975, outside a suburban Detroit restaurant where he was supposed to meet with a New Jersey Teamsters boss and a Detroit Mafia captain. His body has not been found despite a number of searches over the years.

Innumerable theories about the demise of the union boss have surfaced over time. Among them: He was entombed in concrete at Giants Stadium in New Jersey, ground up and thrown in a Florida swamp or obliterated in a mob-owned fat-rendering plant. The search has continued under a backyard pool north of Detroit in 2003, under the floor of a Detroit home in 2004 and at a horse farm northwest of Detroit in 2006.

After Roseville police received the most recent tip, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality used ground-penetrating radar on a 12-foot-by-12-foot patch beneath the driveway, said agency spokesman Brad Wurfel.

It found "that the earth had been disturbed at some point in time," Berlin said.

The environmental quality department will take soil samples Friday that will be sent to a forensic anthropologist at Michigan State University to "have it tested for human decomposition," Berlin said.

Results are not expected until next week.

Cindi Frank snapped cellphone photos Thursday of the backyard cordoned off with yellow police tape. The 57-year-old Roseville resident said her father was a Teamsters driver and Hoffa's disappearance and numerous searches always have interested her family.

Frank said if Hoffa's body is discovered, "it will be a big deal. ... This has just been one of those unsolved mysteries." - AP


Giants Stadium is Coming Down...FBI Not Looking For Hoffa's Remains

In the November 1989 issue of Playboy, Donald "Tony the Greek" Frankos said Jimmy Hoffa's body was buried at Giants Stadium.

Cut in pieces. Put in a steel drum.

Emtombed in concrete at Section 107, near the end zone.

Gives new meaning to the term "coffin corner," joked Sports Illustrated.

Twenty years later, a new billion-dollar stadium is rising in the Meadowlands, and the old Giants Stadium will host one last round of pro football - and Bruce Springsteen concerts.

Next year, the walls will come a-tumblin' down.

So, will the authorities check for the remains of the Hoffa, the legendary Teamsters boss, last seen alive in Detroit in July 1975?

Apparently not.

The FBI officially punted that idea back in 1989.

"Never say never, but it is a remote possibility he is buried there," said Special Agent Hal Helterhoff then, after the investigation failed to find "any substantiation."

The teardown changes nothing, said Special Agent Bryan Travers yesterday.

"If there was some credible information, we wouldn't wait until the stadium was being demolished," he said. "We would go in there and aggressively look for it ...

"We would never wait this long. ... We would have no problem digging a giant hole at the 50-yard line if we thought there was reason to act," he said.

"No, there are no plans," said Alice McGillion, spokeswoman for the New Meadowlands Stadium Corp., the company formed to build the privately financed new home of the Giants and the New York Jets, and tear down the old one.

The decision's up to law enforcement, but so far no agencies have spoken up, she said.

"The stadium will taken down next spring, and the area will become a parking lot," she said.

Nationally, the last big buzz about the Hoffa case was in 2006, when the FBI's Detroit office, acting on a tip, brought a bulldozer to the Hidden Dreams horse farm in Milford Township, Mich.

No hidden Hoffa.

In 2004, investigators tested bloodstained floorboards from a Detroit home, because of published allegations that Frank Sheeran, a Philadelphia and Delaware union leader, confessed, just before he died, to shooting Hoffa.

The blood, though, wasn't Hoffa's.

A backyard pool was excavated the year before, again to no avail.

But it can't be said that no hair from his head was ever found.

A strand was recovered from a car that an associate, Charles "Chuckie" O'Brien, drove the night of the disappearance. Testing identified the hair as Hoffa's in 2001.

Other theories: His remains were dumped in a Florida swamp, rendered in a fat-rendering plant, became part of a scrap-metal block shipped to Japan.

No plans have yet been made to sell or auctions parts of the old Giants Stadium, McGillion said.

One wonders if mementos of legendary Section 107 might fetch a nice price with collectors.

As for an old 50-gallon drum showing up, encased in concrete there - well, that might be a case of Jimmy Hoffa rolling over in his grave. - Philly.com


NOTE: I refer to the next encounter as the 'I Am Jimmy Hoffa' report. I heard about this not long after is was reported and just recently came across it again. Please note that union leader Jimmy Hoffa had been missing since July 1975 which makes this report very unusual...Lon

Location: Pelham, Georgia
Date/Time: August 6, 1977 - 10:30 am local time


Tom Dawson, 63 and retired, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular shaped space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, hovered several feet off the ground in a field in front of him. He immediately noticed that he was unable to move a muscle as well as his dogs and the cattle in the field seemed likewise to be immobilized.

A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humanoids 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women. The first stepped down cautiously, as if to test the solidity of the ground; then the rest followed, with two taking up sentry positions at the hatch. They were all hairless, with skin "as white as a flour sack," their noses were sharp and turned up, their ears were pointed, and they had no necks. One of the men and one of the women were completely nude. The clothing of the rest, male and female alike, was very beautiful with silk like shoes with pointed, turned up toes.

The humanoids cautiously approached Dawson and gave him a kind of physical examination, placing on his head a skullcap with cords connecting it to a hoop bearing dials. They dropped his trousers and lifted his shirt for the examination, passing the hoop over his body. While the examination was in progress, a loud voice came from the object, shouting three times "I am Jimmy Hoffa" (!) a fourth repetition was cut off, and the voice was not heard again.

After completing the examination, all returned to the craft except two men, who walked about 10 feet away and "went into a conference." They had very shrill voices, and although Dawson was unable to comprehend what it was they said, he thought he heard the word "Jupiter." He had the impression they were debating whether or not to take him on board; at any rate, they did not, and the leader passed his palm across his chest as though to signal good-bye. They reentered the ship, closed the hatch, and took off. He saw the object rise to 75 feet then, in a wink, it was out of sight. Dawson was then freed of his paralysis; he ran directly to his next-door neighbor, but was so excited he could say nothing more than "space ship!" He was taken to a hospital and treated for hysteria.

Source: UFO Bureau of Georgia

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


from:Billy Booth ABOUIT.COM

The compelling accounts of UFO sightings, landings, and atmospheric effects that occurred at Rendlesham Forest in 1980, comprise one of the most studied events in UFO history.
Two bases leased by the US Air Force, Bentwaters and Woodbridge, located in the vast Rendlesham Forest, would be the location of numerous sightings of unknown objects maneuvering through the forest, landing on the forest floor, and even exploding into multiple lights.
Three security guards on patrol reported a gigantic, glowing obje Billy Bootht, and requested permission to explore them. They were approved to proceed, and followed the light into the forest.
Thinking that possibly a plane had crashed, they would soon see a saucer-like craft with small, large-headed beings, which seemed to be suspended from the bottom of the craft by a type of beam.
The guards radioed for help - a fully equipped unit, with senior officers, soon arrived at the scene. Eventually, Colonel Charles Halt joined the chase, even making an audio tape of the search. One of the soldiers on the hunt was Airman First Class John Burroughs.
Another principal witness of a landed craft would be Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston, who stated that as they neared the object, "The air was filled with electricity. You could feel it on your skin as we approached the object."
It would be Penniston who approached a landed, triangular-shaped craft, actually touching it. He described the UFO as... "smooth, black, glass-type fabric and strange symbols etched into its surface. On the upper left side of the craft, was an inscription. It measured six inches high, was of symbols. They looked familiar, but I couldn't ascertain why."
It would be a number of years before all of the facts of the Rendlesham landings would be made known publicly, but it is still being studied today, and remains a classic case of a landed UFO.
France - 1981
Another UFO landing case that has received much discussion and investigation is the 1981-Trans-en-Province case. The eyewitness is known only as Nicolai. On January 8, 1981, his encounter began.
Nicolai was doing some odd chores around the house, when he heard a faint whistling sound. He turned around to the source of the noise, and saw an unknown object the height of a tall pine tree. The object began to descend.
He walked a distance to get a better view of the object. It was now landed. Soon, it lifted back off, again making the whistling sound. It reached a high speed, and left toward the northeast. The witness could see four openings in the bottom of the UFO as it left the area.
He found that the site of the landing as about 6 meters in diameter. There were definite abrasions on the ground. The object was described as two saucers - one on top of the other, with a height of about 4-5 feet. He could also make out a ridge which spanned the circumference of the craft.
The case, although investigated in detail by France's GEPAN, has no conventional explanation, and is considered legitimate by most UFO researchers.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Posted: 31 Oct 2012 10:41 AM PDT

There has been another strange encounter at the Ottawa River in or near Ottawa, Ontario. This time the report involves a possible interdimensional being. Since 1986 there have been numerous reports of UFOs, USOs, unusual creatures, unexplained anomalies, etc. in the general area of the river:


Security guards on the night shift get to see some strange things, both at work and on the way to work. One such odd sighting occurred in Ottawa, the nation’s capital late on October 22nd, between 10:30 and 11:00pm.

“On my way to work travelling southbound on the Champlain Bridge, I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye.” The security guard’s testimony begins in the same way as many UFO accounts. Something out of the ordinary catches your eye, you look more closely, and there before you is a sight that is not easy to explain.

The guard made a report to MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, and went on to say, “A bright object in the sky was moving erratically in no general pattern. At first I thought of spot lights or that someone was shining a powerful flashlight.” These are always possible explanations put forward in UFO sightings, but the guard did not think that they were plausible on this occasion.

“It wasn’t until I stopped the car and tried to make a sketch of what I was seeing that I realized what I was looking at. It was the classic flying saucer shape, only upside down, with the dome part underneath.” The object was travelling east, keeping a steady altitude in the low clouds that were beginning to cover the sky over the west end of Ottawa. “It was almost as if the object was using these low lying clouds as cover,so as to remain undetected. If it wasn't for the fact that I happened to be staring right at it as I came over the bridge, I don’t think I would have never noticed it.”

The guard told MUFON that he watched the object for about 20 minutes, during which time it moved quickly, then slowly, changing its flying pattern frequently. Not that there really was a pattern: the craft darted here and there, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Eventually he had to go into work and his observations ended. “But,” he concluded, “It was very odd. I do believe science can explain almost everything. So, it takes a lot to convince me that something supernatural is happening. I keep an open mind, but this "UFO" experience was indeed an occurrence that I find hard to explain.”

The late John Todd suggested that some UFO that appear to be lights are regressive shapeshifting alien entities that feed off negative energies generated by us, as humans. - Agora Comsopolitan

Click for video - What are Aliens? Do they Exist? John Todd, an Illuminati Defector, Explains.


Driving along the Ottawa River via boat, 3 friends and I see something in the water at around 10pm. This creature was large, created a medium sized wake, and swam fast. Very fast.. We were in a Seadoo boat and we could barley catch up going between 40-60km/h. It was a dark figure and when we cut it off, it went completely under water. I've been asking a lot of question to family and friends as to what this might be and the answers are sturgeon, bear, turtle, beaver.. I've researched all those answers and found out that NONE of them can swim that fast, and as for the sturgeon, this creature was NOT that skinny. It was round, just a bit smaller than a plastic kiddie pool. Ive never believed in this kind of fantasy stuff, but seriously that night has got me thinking....


Inquisitr.com - Dozens of residents of Canada’s capital city, Ottawa Ontario and nearby Gatineau, Que., witnessed an object streak across the night sky at about 10pm local time Monday night and crash into the Ottawa River with a “thunderous boom.”

The object had lights on it and appeared to change course several times, like a small plane struggling to stay airborn, before it hit the water.

It was such a sight that emergency rescue and search crews in the area sprung into action and began searching the area using sophisticated sonars and underwater cameras to try and figure out what the object was. Even helicopters from the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) in nearby Trenton took part. On Tuesday at 1:30pm, they discovered an object about 9 meters (30 feet) below the surface, but because of currents and nearby rapids, sending divers down would be extremely dangerous since they would be instantly swept away by the currents.

The mystery? Authorities and residents have no idea what this object laying at the bottom of the river is. There are no planes missing from the area, no other aircraft like helicopters, etc. are missing. There is no debris, no oil slick and even space agencies that were contacted said nothing disappeared from orbit.

On Tuesday afternoon, Ottawa police Const. Alain Boucher said of the object they found on the riverbed:

“The size and the shape doesn’t lead us to believe it’s any piece of an airplane or fuselage or anything like that. It could be a rock, it could be a bunch of logs stuck together, it’s hard to say. No one has come forward with any kind of videos or anything like that at this time. None of the people actually reported seeing a plane go down at the same time.”

But the fact still remains - something fell into the Ottawa River Monday night that prompted a massive co-ordinated search by local authorities and the Canadian Military. They found an object below the surface and don’t know exactly what it is.

It truly is a UFO mystery at this point.

ORIGINAL REPORT - WellandTribune.ca

It truly was an unidentified flying object that darted across the night sky over the Ottawa River this week.

“There's nothing in the river for us to find in terms of an airplane or helicopter or something that went down (Monday) night,” Ottawa police Const. Alain Boucher said Tuesday afternoon.

“We're still looking into what could have caused this. There's a number of reasons this could have happened. We'll be looking into that in the next couple of days.”

Several residents, both in Ottawa and in Gatineau, Que., reported lights smashing into the water around 10 p.m. Monday, along with a thunderous boom.

The calls prompted police, firefighters, paramedics and a helicopter from CFB Trenton to scour the waters for a downed aircraft.

Problem was, there was no physical evidence pointing to a plane wreck: No debris, no oil slick and no indication from airspace authorities that something fell off the radar. There was also no report of a missing aircraft.

Still, searchers launched their boats on Tuesday morning looking for clues that could confirm witness accounts.

They found a few objects in the water, but nothing significant until around 1:30 p.m., when sonar discovered something bulky more than nine metres below the surface.

An underwater camera couldn't reach it and searchers called off the mission not knowing exactly what the object was.

“The size and the shape doesn't lead us to believe it's any piece of an airplane or fuselage or anything like that,” Boucher said. “It could be a rock, it could be a bunch of logs stuck together, it's hard to say.”

“No one has come forward with any kind of videos or anything like that at this time,” Boucher said. “None of the people actually reported seeing a plane go down at the same time.”

NOTE: I don't know what to make of this story. I would tend to think it was a meteorite if not for the witness statements contradicting that theory. It'll be interesting to see what comes of this. The Canadian government and military are tight-lipped about these type of incidents for the most part...Lon

Canadian Roswell: UFO Crashes In Ottawa River


Click image for larger version

Written up on December 23, 2011

I have created Google Map Images of my location and UFO passage that are added below.

Ottawa, Canada UFO – Summer 1986

During the summer of 1986 when I was 24 years old, I was very fortunate to witness a high speed UFO travelling just above the Ottawa River at what I estimate to be 3,000 to 5,000 feet. This observation is based on aircraft normally flying at 20,000 to 30,000 feet.

The craft was a cigar shape. Tapered at both ends and thickening in the middle.

The width and thickness of the object observed from my distance was that of a Canadian dime. True length of object viewed from 1.7 miles is 30 meters to 40 meters.

Please note that the human eye has a natural zoom capability for distant objects of about 1,800x. This observation is based on my use of a modern 2011 Sony video camera with a 50x optical zoom and 1,800x digital zoom. Model DCR - SR20

Distance to object has been estimated at 1.7 to 2 miles using Google Earth, measuring from the top of the hill at the intersection at Duford Street and Jamison Avenue.

My viewing location for this event was at the top of the Queenswood Height's hill in Orleans located approximately 10 miles from Ottawa. Intersection at Duford Street and Jamison Avenue.

In 1986 there were no houses built on this hill giving a clear view of the Ottawa River and the Gatineau Valley 1.7 miles away.

Month of sighting is June 1986. Estimate

Viewing time was between 15:00hrs to 17:00hrs, broad daylight.

I had the UFO in sight for only 2 seconds.

Later on I would determine with Google Earth that the distance covered by the UFO during my observation time was 4 miles. This was possible because of my elevated position on Queenswood Heights Hill giving me a clear view of the Ottawa River and Gatineau Valley in the distance.

The UFO travelled rapidly over the Ottawa River moving in an East to West direction towards the city of Ottawa.

The UFO would be spotted by several students at Carleton University, reported to the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, and written up the next day in a small story.

The event happened on a Friday. Exact date unknown.

Technical details of the event.

Time in view 2 seconds.

Distance covered 4 miles.

Speed 4 miles per 2 seconds.

4 miles = 6437.376 metres

6437.376 m in 2 seconds

Speed of the UFO = 3,218.688 m /s

Speed of sound at sea level 340.29 m/s

Speed of the UFO = 9.45866 times the speed of sound

The UFO moved through the air in absolute complete silence.

There was no sonic boom associated with this high speed travelling object and I was completely surprised. I was listening for it intently.

This UFO therefore had the capability to move through a medium like air without displacing it.

Travelling at 9.45x the speed of sound the only way NOT to create a sonic boom is NOT to displace the medium of air in the first place.

Therefore UFO craft have an ability to move through a medium like air and water without displacing it. This means that there is NO friction with the medium allowing such fast velocities and changes in direction when required.

How this is accomplished is not known at this time.

Could a magnetic field enable an object to move through a medium without displacing it?

A engineering challenge for future aircraft designers.

The technology to move an object through a medium without displacing it exists.

I have seen it in 1986 and that was 25 years ago.

UFOs Over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close EncountersThe Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases RevealedThe UFO Files: The Canadian Connection Exposed

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


from: naturalplane.blogspot.com

This past Sunday...the 7th. A friend and I were riding two ATVs in a place called, "The Underground" it is a public and private storage facility in Carthage, Mo. What makes this place such a desirable storage facility is that it is all underground...hence the name. They are constantly expanding this place and there are miles and miles of carved out caves in there...and it goes pretty deep. This facility stores thousands and thousands of food containers, all dehydrated for the Navy...I have seen them and it is public knowledge around here. It is also a fall out shelter able to hold some 40,000 to 50,000 people. I tell you this to give some sense of the vastness of the place. I worked there as a subcontractor some 9 years ago...I helped build the office spaces up on top. I started to explore then...about once a month and did so all the way until this past Sunday. However, I never went as far or as deep before either.

It was fun to take the ATVs and cruise underground...no rain or weather problems...ever. We were approx 8 miles in and I'd say maybe 500 feet deep when we took a turn down an area that was marked "Naval Authoritative Zone" I remember making a comment about the Navy getting a ship down there and said that was an easy posting. The walls became more defined, as in polished or finished and this was striking because this was supposed to be a newly blasted area...totally backward I would think...still thinking nothing was wrong we kept going, actually increasing speed because the floor was paved now and we could go faster. We came up on an unusual painted pattern on the floor and I thought, "cool graffiti...kids have been down here...we're safe...won't get into any trouble." The road dipped down and then it took a 90' turn to the left...we had no warning and we were going too fast. I knew we were going to hit the wall. BUT we DIDN'T...we passed through some kind of projection of the cave siding...although I don't know how it was done...it was real looking. We passed into a whole new road system...this one was large, and much older than where we came from. We started to smell an odor...musty,damp, growing stronger as we went deeper on smell. The lighting decreased as well probably 60% less than the other area's...we turned on our headlights. We continued on at about 5 to 7 miles an hour for about 5 min and we noticed it was getting cooler...which was to me, very strange...since once inside a cave a certain distance...the temp says the same. We made a right turn and started to come up on what I thought was a rest area on the side...about 40 feet away. I thought it looked like a pair of fountains until they moved. We both stopped immediately. We were approx. 30' feet away now and what we saw were two creatures, one was very tall at least 7' feet maybe more and very powerfully built...reddish in color and the other was smaller about 6' feet but it was not red in color but pale, like an albino and it was not as powerfully built as the other. They looked like REPTILES...living, walking, intelligent beings...not human...not warm blooded. Reptiles! I know it sounds crazy but it is true. They said nothing but I did get a strong sense from the big one. A malevolence, evil presence of some kind. My friend screamed and we turned around...a power turn. We started to go back out when my friend said, "the big one" was after us. I looked back and it was following us. I had the overwhelming feeling that if it caught us that harm would come to us. We passed through the wall projection and I looked back and saw the thing raise it's arm and it had a weapon of some sorts. It fired and hit the ATV my friend was on. The engine died and he stopped. I told him to jump on...and he did. I gunned it and then my friend said, "STOP!" I slowed down and he he said, "LOOK!". I looked back and the thing had stopped at the graffiti on the cave floor/road. The ATV was on it's side of the graffiti/symbol. It was obvious the thing would not cross the marking. I slowed more...we were now about 75' feet away. I stopped and the three of us...Me, my friend and the creature/reptile/man thing just looked at each other...for about 15 sec. And let me tell you...that is a long time. Then I started to leave...It stayed there waiting and not moving until we were out of sight. As soon as we cleared the cave I got on my cell phone and called the Sheriff's Dept. I was told that they would not come out and that "Underground Security" would handle it. Then they hung up! By law they are not to do that...We can hang up on anyone...but a government office, be it City or Federal can not hang up on you. Anyway, I was shocked and scared and we took off across the outside of the underground over to my truck and sure enough...Underground Security was waiting for us. We were told to leave, not to tell anybody about this...that if I come back...The Navy would press charges. I was also told that I had 10 min to leave or I would be taken in. What can I say...we left. It has been 3 days since this has happened and I am still shaken. I am a powerful person, 6'4" and 265 lbs and I have never in my life be afraid for my life...until this past Sunday. I lost my one of my two ATV's. Vin#5y4Ag0o1y61a071120. As far as I know...it is still down there. My friend will not talk about it and I have not heard anything from anyone about it. I did call the Sheriff's Dept. and they said they never got a call from me. Well, that is my story...I have never had anything strange happen in my life and I am very very concerned about this. I can tell you this...I had an urge to kill the things I saw down there...I don't know if that is a natural reaction as most people have a natural revulsion towards reptiles or because of my faith and the feeling of evil I had...or what. All I know is that they are real...and I wish I could do something...anything to combat or help against these things. Take care all and thank you again for letting me write this and share this experience.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


The Strange Saga of the Vanishing Cars

For years – or perhaps even for centuries – the Men in Black have been elusive, predatory, fear-inducing figures, hovering with disturbing regularity upon the enigmatic fringes of the UFO subject, nurturing and weaving their very own unique brand of terror and intimidation. Like true specters from the outer edge, the MIB appear from the murky darkness, and roam the countryside provoking carnage, chaos, paranoia and fear in their notorious wake, before returning to that same shrouded realm from which they originally oozed.
Very often traveling in groups of three, this definitive trinity of evil seemingly appears and vanishes at will, and is often seen – in the United States – driving 1950s-style black Cadillac’s, and – in the British Isles – 1960s-era black Jaguar’s, both of which are almost always described as looking curiously brand new.

The preferred mode of dress of these sinister characters is a black suit, black Fedora- or Homburg-style hat, black sunglasses, black necktie, black socks and shoes, and crisp, shining white shirt. Very little wonder, therefore, that they have been given the name with which they are, today, most associated.
But, it’s those aforementioned cars that the MIB drive which I’m focusing on right now, rather than the MIB themselves. Just like the dark-suited characters that drive them, the creepy vehicles also display evidence of deep and bizarre high-strangeness, including vanishing into complete oblivion!
Dr. Josef Allen Hynek was provided with the details of a fantastically-strange MIB encounter, that occurred in a small Minnesota town in late 1975, and that falls firmly into just such a category. Ironically, no UFO was seen on this particular occasion, but the chief witness was harassed by the driver of a large, black Cadillac on a particular stretch of highway, and who nearly forced the man into an adjacent ditch. The irate man quickly righted his vehicle and headed off in hot-pursuit, only to see the black Cadillac lift into the air and, quite literally, disappear in the blink of any eye!
Long-time UFO authority, Jenny Randles, the author of The Truth Behind Men in Black, has investigated an extremely similar case that occurred in Britain in August of 1981.
In this particular incident, the witness, one Jim Wilson, had seen an unidentified – but not overly-fantastic – light in the sky, and was later blessed with a visit from a pair of suit-wearing characters flashing ID cards that demonstrated they came from the British Ministry of Defense. The two suggested to the man that he had merely viewed a Russian satellite – Cosmos 408 – and that he should forget all about the experience.
That would indeed have been the end of things, were it not for the fact that the witness found to his concern that, on a number of occasions and shortly after the visit occurred, his home seemed to be under some form of surveillance by two men sitting in a black Jaguar – which is the preferred mode of transport in most British Men in Black cases. The police were called, and, across the course of several nights, stealthy checks of the immediate vicinity were made.
After seeing the car parked outside the man’s home on several occasions, and then managing to get a good look at his license plate – which the police were quickly able to confirm as being totally bogus – they carefully closed in, with the intention of speaking with the pair of MIB and finding out the nature of their game.

Unfortunately, they never got the chance to do so: as two uniformed officers approached the vehicle and prepared to knock on one of the windows, the black Jaguar melted away into nothingness. There was, not surprisingly, a deep reluctance on the part of the officers to prepare any written report alluding to such an event in the station log-book!
Just like the Men in Black themselves, even their vehicles are seemingly able to perform disappearing acts of a near-ghost-like nature…



Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sasquatch sighting by Nunavik berry pickers

Two women in Nunavik had an unusual encounter while berry picking on Saturday.
Maggie Cruikshank Qingalik, who is from Akulivik, Que., said her friend saw some kind of creature out in the wilderness.
Qingalik said at first, they thought it was another person picking berries. Then they noticed it was covered in long, dark hair.
The creature's footprint reportedly measure 40 centimetres in length.
The creature's footprint reportedly measure 40 centimetres in length.Facebook
She said it was walking upright along the side of a hill, and was taking long strides. They said it would also sometimes crawl.
“We weren't sure what it was first. It is not a human being, it was really tall, and kept coming towards our direction and we could tell it was not a human,” she said.
Qingalik said the creature was 10 to 15 feet tall. Pictures posted on Facebook show the alleged footprints are 40 centimetres long.
The women said the creature didn’t appear vicious, nor did it appear interested in them.
Understandably for such a sighting, the women got scared, hopped on their ATV, and headed back to the community to warn people about what they saw.

Expert says sightings not rare in Canada

Loren Coleman, the director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine, has been studying sasquatch and Bigfoot sightings in North America for more than 50 years.
“It sounds like a traditional kind of sighting. I think the only thing I would wonder about would be the height of 10 feet with a footprint as large as you said. But that happens people exaggerate,” he said.
Coleman said Bigfoot or sasquatch tend to be six and a half to eight feet tall. He said they have been spotted throughout the U.S. and Canada since the 1800s.
Since the region has become more populated, Coleman said the sightings have been relegated to the wilderness.
He said he hopes someone took measurements and some good photographs of this most recent sighting.
“If someone could go back there and take some plaster casts, that might be quite helpful in terms of comparing it to the database of other footprints in Canada,” he said.
In Nunavik or Nunavut, Coleman suggests sasquatch may hole up in caves to protect themselves from the elements.
He added they may sustain themselves on a diet similar to caribou. However, he said the omnivores are opportunistic and could eat a range of food including salmon or road kill.
Coleman said he is skeptical when he investigates these sightings. He said he wants to make sure it is not just a common animal, or people trying to make a buck.


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Tuesday, October 2, 2012



Several weeks ago, I posted on Facebook (then later on the blog) that I had knowledge of a Sasquatch habitation location and that I would be gathering the available evidence before disclosing any information. What follows is the narrative that the witness has given consent for disclosure. I will be referring to the witness as ‘GM’.

I don't plan to release the actual location but I will say that it is in the Atlantic Maritimes of eastern Canada. It is a fairly remote area with sufficient game, vegetation and private space for a small population of Sasquatch to thrive. It is important to the witness and me that the specific area is not revealed. We want these beings to continue flourishing if, in fact, they are terrestrial. I have preached the 'interdimensional' theory and I still believe that some of these beings may have some supernatural aspects to them. But I also believe that there is solid proof that there are terrestrial groups of these hominids living among us.

The witness has been unable to capture identifiable images because of the lack of available light and distance...but he has offered effective foot track, scat images and sketch evidence as well as other non-conclusive photo evidence. Hair samples were submitted to a laboratory in Calgary for identification. If other physical evidence is discovered, I will have it tested. The current available evidence has been forwarded to other Bigfoot researchers for their opinions.

I have every reason to believe GM’s account. He has meticulously chronicled each incident since his first encounter. I feel this is a rare opportunity for us to study these beings without blatant breach of their space. In the meantime, I hope to continue communication with GM and possibly arrange a visit to the location in the near future.


In the middle of May of 2008, my grandson (who was 5 yrs. old at this date) and I took my two dogs (both Rottweilers) for a walk in the wooded area next to my house. This place is approximately 100 acres that has not been clear-cut, but has had areas logged off about 10 yrs.ago and is growing up in thick bush. We were walking on an old tractor road which intersects another road. At this junction my grandson finds a pile of excrement that was huge. The pieces were 3'' dia. x 12'' long cross piled on top of each other (3 pieces). It looked like someone squeezed a large tube of toothpaste. My dogs wanted nothing to do with it and avoided it at all cost.

We walked downhill about one hundred feet when suddenly the dogs stopped my grandson in his tracks and would not let him go any further. They began whining and acting out of character. He ask me why they were acting this way, looking up hill toward me. When I looked up to answer him, I saw downhill from us, at about 50 yards, something standing partly hidden behind a large spruce tree. It was a large shape with a cone-shaped head, a shoulder, large chest, an arm and a leg, rocking from heel to heel (in that motion) peeking up the hill from behind the long boughs. At this point I kept my grandson’s attention toward me and said maybe we should listen to the dogs and go for a walk another day. When I looked up again, whatever was there before was gone. I had never seen anything like this before and was kind of shocked and curious at the same time. We went home and I got a camera and went back to the location (by myself) to get a picture of the scat pile – but it was gone (completely removed) in an matter of 20-25 mins. Since this occurred in the woods beside my house I started to do some research. I typed up a quick description on Google and up popped ‘Bigfoot / Sasquatch’. I had heard little of this (only in the 1970s briefly) before that day.

The following account is what has happened since then. I have a small farm with cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, and two dogs, which may have something to do with things happening on a regular basis.

1st week – April 2009: I had a sighting of, what I'm sure of now, a female Sasquatch walk across the bottom of a small pasture behind my house. It was combing and eating rose hips from the bushes with its hands as it walked. It seemed to be looking for my pigs, but they weren't outside yet since it was too early. I normally house pigs for the summer in this area of my property that is wooded. I watched this thing walk very slowly across the property looking at a stand of small evergreens the pigs would hide in most of the day.

I was sitting at the open window while this creature walk along as it continued eating rose hips. It stopped about 30 ft from this thicket and tried to peer into this area. When it didn’t notice any pigs (after a few seconds) it turned around, twisting at the waist. It looked right at me with a kind of smirk on its face. I'm sure it looked me right in the eyes. There was a ‘feminine’ look to its face which was a lot more human looking than I thought it would be. I drew a sketch of what I saw as it departed into the woods behind my house. All I kept telling to myself was “that's what made that large pile of crap that I found.” I didn't go look for tracks or hair afterwards because I have a condition that causes my muscles to involuntarily shake for extended periods of time - similar to Parkinson's Disease but all over my body. At that time I didn't want to chance and have something happen to me.

April 9, 2009: I was peeling potatoes for dinner around 4:30 pm, while standing in front of a small window facing the field across the road. This field is approx. 1200 ft to the top. I saw movement and looked up. In the left corner a creature appeared - very similar to the one I saw the week before, only much larger. It had a very pronounced cone shaped head, huge shoulders, no neck, very thick brow ridge, large barrel chest and very thick muscular legs. I watched this thing walk and it looked like it was carrying something on its left hip. While walking I counted the number of steps it took for this to cross about 300ft distance - it was 30 steps. When it reached the other side of the field it turned left and used its right arm to push the branches and trees out of its way. It was then that I noticed that it was carrying a baby, sitting on the large ones hip with a leg wrapped around the small of its back, and the head looked around the large ones arm. This creature was huge - at least 9+ ft, 800-900 lbs. and approx. 4 ft. wide at the shoulders.

April 3, 2010: I went for a walk with my other grandson who was 3 yrs. old at the time. We were walking in the woods beside our house, down the old tractor road and the in the same area where the pile of excrement was found in May 2008. While walking down the hill my grandson slipped and fell hands first in cold water. When he cried out he was instantly mocked from a thicket approx 50' away. When he repeated himself he was mocked a second time in the same fashion. At this point he looked at me and said “who is making fun of me Papa?'' I told him I did not know, but I said maybe they thought he was silly for crying over a little bit of water - with that we turned around and went home.

April 26, 2010: I found the first footprint approx 1/4 mile south of my house, near a swampy area by a pond a few hundred yards south of the second sighting. The foot print was approx is 15'' long, 5''wide at the ball, and 4'' wide at the heel. The bottle in the photo is 10'' long and used for size comparison.

May 25, 2010: I found another footprint while walking the dogs, on another old tractor road, near the same area I had found the previous print. This track was approx 21'' long, 8'' wide at the ball and 5'' wide at the heel, I was carrying the same size bottle as before, shown in the photo for ref. The track appeared on the side of a short 3' bank. There was a short skid mark at the top of the track, but the toes are clearly visible, as is the rest of the track.

Aug 6, 2010: While sleeping and shortly after midnight, a very strong odour came in the window waking both my wife and myself from a sound sleep. The odour smelled like a mixture of skunk, rotten meat, and body odour. There were turkeys in a pen beside that side of the house. I did not see anything, but could hear a bipedal crunching noise, like feet shuffling thru forest litter.

Aug 10, 2010: At approx. 11pm, a bull in the pasture was mocked from just outside the pasture. Thinking it was another cow he went to investigate. He either smelled or saw that it was not another cow, and became very frightened running back to the barn as fast as possible to hide. When I investigated, the bull was pressed up against the barn wall shivering from fright. This was witnessed by my wife and me, as we were outside at the time.

Aug 22, 2010: Same odour as before woke me from a sleep. Both farm dogs were going crazy - this was around 12:30am. The next morning seven ears of half eaten corn were scattered all over the lawn and appeared to have been thrown at the dogs the night before. These dogs are inside an electronic fence. The corn landed at the limited distance for the dogs to reach safety. The closest source of corn was interspersed with soy beans in the field across the road.

Sept 7, 2010: While walking on the wood road, small rocks were thrown at me. I could hear the rocks going through the leaves though I was not struck. At the end of the rock throwing a loud whoop sound was heard. Later on I found a small track in the woods beside my house, approx 100' from my yard. The track was approx 7.5'' long 4'' wide at the toes and 2'' wide at the heel.

Sept 8, 2010: The dogs were very vocal all night. In the morning several twisted trees were found about 50 yds from the house.

Oct 1, 2010: Strong odour drifted across the road from the south, witnessed by my wife and me. It was mid afternoon and the same odour as before.

Oct 6, 2010: Found a hair sample on a twisted tree.

Oct 13, 2010: I went to feed the pigs in the morning and found that one pig had scratch marks on its back. The two middle scratches had blood trickles down the side as if the two middle fingers of a hand contacted first. It appears as if a large hand shoved the pig out of the way. The other pig had no marks on it. Twice previously I had caught Sasquatch stealing pig food at night.

Nov 6, 2010: At approx. 7:30am I was feeding the pigs when I heard a loud snort, a blowing sound and stomping noise. I immediately walked toward the noise. I could find nothing whatsoever. It had left in a hurry but the same odour as before was noticed.

Nov 17, 2010: At 6:15am a loud vocal noise, from a low pitch to a high pitch sounding like “ouwoo-woo-woo” occurred twice and was very clear. It was not from any type of animal that I am aware of.

Dec 6, 2010: At approx 8:30pm while opening a window I heard a snort noise from behind the shed, approx 30' from the house. I saw a silhouette of a large head and shoulders from behind the shed (which is 7' high). The figure turned around to re-enter the woods, banging its head on a bird feeder hook which is mounted on a tree 8.5' off the ground. This figure was back lit by the neighbour’s yard light filtering thru the trees.

Dec 16, 2010: At 9am I heard three wood knocks very clearly, from just inside the woods at the bottom of the pasture.

May 16, 2011: I heard 3 whoop sounds - very hollow and deep. This occurred 6 times on the east side of the pasture next to my neighbour’s house (house was empty).

May 21, 2011: I heard a very deep growl, much deeper than the dogs, on the west side behind the house where there is a lot of thick bush. I knew this was not the dogs from the sound, so I opened the window, held the camera out the window and took 2 photos toward the sound. The second photo yielded what appears to be a large set of eyes, approx. 8' off the ground and a second set appears to be behind the first and above, like a child riding on an adults shoulders. It shows a cone-shape head with a large set of eyes and a round shaped head with the small eyes – at least that’s what it looks like to me.

July 8, 2011: I heard very distinct whoop sounds around 11pm, behind neighbours house (empty house).

July 29, 2011: At 4:13pm I heard wood knocks very clearly - 3 knocks twice. The other neighbours dog became very vocal all at once, and my bull, which was lying down, bolted to his feet.

Aug 5, 2011: At 8:45pm there were two mocking calls imitating the bull and 2 wood knocks at the edge of the woods near the bottom of the pasture. This is approx. 400' from the house. This was heard by my grandson and son-in-law.

Aug 25, 2011: I was walking past the window facing the pasture on my way to the kitchen. My bull and one cow were in this pasture and standing neck to neck grooming each other. All at once the bull stops what he is doing and turns around looking west toward some old apple trees. That’s when I noticed apples rolling out from under the fence toward the bull. The bull walked over and started picking up and eating the apples. That’s when I grabbed the camera, walked out the front door of the house and down the tree line on the west side of the house. I was trying to sneak up on who/whatever was throwing apples under the fence. As I was making my way, I heard something large take off ahead of me. It was too thick to see what it was. When I reached the spot where I thought it was, I noticed a pile of steaming fecal material. At approx. 10' to the right of the pile was a left handprint in the moss, where something had propelled itself using one hand on the ground, the thumb is very clear and at least two fingers. The moss in the finger portion was moving back toward the fingertips when I took the photo.

During the months of July, Aug and Sept 2011, there were at least 7 separate times that the turkeys were let out of their pen and the feed was eaten. The gate door was tied shut by both my wife and me on several occasions. On Sept 27, 2011 I had enough of the door being untied and the feed being eaten, so the turkeys were moved into the barn. In the spring of the same year I had bought 6 new laying hens to add to my flock. They did not get along with the other chickens as they were younger and smaller. They would roost with the turkeys at night in their pen. The morning after I had moved the turkeys into the barn I found one of these chickens laying right in front of the turkey pen door, with its head and neck bit off. There was no sign of blood, just a few pin feathers. It was almost like it was done out of spite. I know of no other animal that would do this and leave the best part of the chicken behind.

Sept 29-30, 2011: A strange clicking noise woke me both nights coming from the woods beside the house. Both dogs were growling and this continued most of the night. I had a ladder leaning up against that side of the house. All night long I kept waking up to the sound of small pebbles hitting the ladder. Each time I investigated nothing was there.

Nov 2, 2011: I was in the pasture that day, checking the fence, water bowl and salt lick. Everything was fine. When I went out the next morning to do chores, at once I noticed that the bottom stand of wire at the gate was bent around the top strand. The salt block was broken and half was missing.

Nov 23, 2011: When my wife was leaving for work at 8am, she heard what she thought was a calf in the wooded area just below the pasture. She alerted me that the calf was possibly out of the pasture. When I went outside I also heard the same noise. Upon investigating, all animals were where they should be. The calf was standing beside the barn approx 400' from where my wife heard the noise. The night this calf was born in Sept, I checked on the calf before going to bed and everything was fine. The next morning there was a large healthy dogwood tree snapped off and lying across the fence, holding it down - almost like it was laid on the fence. No damage was done. Was this done in order to see the new born calf? There was no wind that night strong enough to break the tree off. It was approx 8'' in diameter.

Dec 15, 2011: I heard a very loud crying noise from outside at approx. midnight. While trying to locate the source I noticed that the dog was in his dog house, not wanting to come out. I returned to the house and went inside. Just after I entered the outside motion light was activated. I turned to look at the window (the curtain was closed) and noticed a silhouette of a head and shoulders threw the curtains. The crying noise continued on the opposite side of the house behind a large lilac bush. When I went to investigate the second time I could not find anything. The noise sounded like an infant crying.

Jan 15, 2012: I went skating on a pond with my youngest grandson and my son. We skated for approx. 2 hours and everything was fine until we moved to the west end of the pond. We heard bipedal heavy footsteps running away. We looked around but could not find any tracks or evidence. There was not much snow on the ground, but everything was frozen.

I did not previously describe the color of these hominids, however I would like to do that now:

The day we found the large pile of excrement, the hominid I saw downhill peeking from behind the tree was rust red color all over. No other difference in color noted.

The hominid that walked across the bottom of the pasture was the same color as a deer on the front, black shiny skin on the face, grey on the lips, palm of hand, and bottom of foot - similar to what the pad on a dogs foot looks like. Large dark eyes - very friendly expression on the face - body color turned to grey brown with black steaks on the back from head to toe. This one was approx 7' plus tall, and 600lbs in weight.

The hominid that was in the top of the field across the road was the same color as the previous hominid both front and back, except much taller with more pronounced cone head and broader shoulders. My guess would be approx 9' plus tall and approx. 800-900 lbs in weight. The baby that the large one was carrying on his hip was a rust red color.

My neighbour used to throw out all their bad produce in a pile behind their barn. This would attract various types of animals including the Sasquatch. One I saw in particular looked like a juvenile approx 7' tall. I could only see it running down the hedge row between the fields. I observed it from the elbows up to the top of his head. This one did not have cone-shaped head but more rounded with a heavy set shoulders, no neck, and the hair on the shoulders and back looked like it was in ringlets - approx 8-10'' long. These ringlets would bounce when it ran. It was chocolate brown in color. I saw this particular Sasquatch on at least two occasions. I have a photo of both the footprint and a cast.

Since Aug 2008 I developed a neurological disorder that causes me to shake and almost convulse, making walking very difficult at times. I still go out when I’m able to, and look for evidence.

Things have been quiet this Summer, just a few odd instances but nothing too concrete. Since I started to investigate these matters, the Sasquatch have sort of pulled back some but remain here.

NOTE: If you have questions for 'GM', I'm sure he'd be willing answer...just send to me or post a comment. Over the years I have received many supposed Bigfoot habitation reports. I can honestly say that GM's account is the most convincing. BTW...SRI conducted a remote view session on the location and found relevant proof that these hominids were still in the area. GM mentioned the possibility of another cryptid roaming the area (very odd track found - I have a photo). I plan to look into that soon, especially if other evidence comes forth...Lon

Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science

The Discovery of the Sasquatch

In Search of Giants: Bigfoot Sasquatch Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters


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